1. Only consider items with items that you can view personally. Always deal with buyers face to face.
2. Never, in any case, do not send money in advance for any thing or service. Never send money to unknown persons!
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4. Meet in public places (bank, post office, shopping center, etc.) only. (Sellers/Buyers)
5. Never go to meetings alone. Only with a friend of yours (friends, family, etc.
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8. The Rushingit.com portal does not act as a real estate agent, broker or seller, nor is involved in any communication or transaction between the buyer and the seller.
9. Always use sound judgment and common sense when buying any item or service. Buyer is required to inspect anything before purchasing himself or through a specialist acting on his behalf.
10. Be more cautious on vendors (users) who communicate using free email accounts
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12. Whenever you want to buy any item online over the Internet, it's important to remember that the distance between you and anonymous user offering and selling any item or online service carries a significant risk of cheating more than buying and selling face to face
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